Smörgastarta - An Update

Referring to my original post about swedish party food I have prepared a nicer one. See the recipe here: Recipe for Smörgostarta and be creative about it.

You may use whatever you like - meat, cheese, prawns, salad and other ingredients.

Instead of the healthy version in the older post I am using other ingredients here:

500 g Frischkäse - 1.1 lb Cream Cheese
400 g Naturjoghurt - 0.8 lb Yoghurt
200 g Mayonaise - 0.4 lb Mayonnaise
1 Strauss Petersilie - Parsley
200 g Käse (z.B. Schmelzkäse oder Camembert) - 0.4 lb Cheese
Knoblauch, Salz, Pfeffer - Garlic, Salt, Pepper

The topping is made with cucumber, salad, cheese, bacon and pepper. Choose whatever you like - there is no limit to your fantasy here. Eggs and prawns are also very common and they look spectacular.

As the swedish bread is usually not available, the layers are simply made by baking pizza dough.
Cutting out three large circle shaped layers will keep a large family happy. The more cheese you use, the more it is going to fill people. Don't forget to prepare it early (best: the day before your event is going to happen) and keep it in the fridge. It does not work, if you serve it shortly after preparation.